When I was 13 my friend Wren and I got into making hats. We had this specific pattern we found online that we loved and we would make it over and over again. Eventually we had so many hats that we didn’t know what to do with them all, so we started a business. We called it Snappy Hats because every time I finished one, I would get really excited and start snapping. We designed a logo and printed it out on cardstock for tags. We found old wool scarves and fleeces and cut them up to make our special hats.
Now its 8 years later and I found a few left over brims in my sewing area. I decided to bring them to college with me along with the original pattern. I found some red velvet in the freebox, cut out the pattern, and whipped together a hat. It felt like a blend of nostalgia and relief to finish this hat. Like I was revisiting an awesome era that I think will probably forever be in the past but that I can carry little snippets of forward with me
Here is my friend Sarah modeling the revisited snappy hat: